Experimental Cognition: The unforseen consequences of our mind interacting with technology.

[Boston Dynamics dog]

These go to an idea about technology that intelligence is movement. These things are responding to their surroundings.

E T A Hoffmann (1816): The Sandman is the basis of Freud’s essay about the “Unheimlich”, or the uncanny.

This is an early example of machines being portrayed as women. Android used to be Andreide (the female version of the greek word).

L’Eve Future (1886)

Thomas Eddison appears in the story and says:

You remember, my dear lord, those mechanics who once tried to forge human simulacra? Ah! ah! ah! ah!

Companies paying people in developing countries to pretend they’re machines, Amazon arehouse workers reduced to machine parts

Swan Lake (Pepita and Ivanov 1895)

Karl Capek in 1921 coins the term Robot in a play called Rossum’s Universal Robots.

The history of robotics starts as a literary idea.

Fritz Lang (1926) Metropolis

The Turing Machine (is a machine that can replicate any other machine) Computing Machinery and Intelligence (1950)

This should beigin with definition of the meaning of the terms “machine” and “think. The definition might be frames so as ro reflect as far as possible the notmal use of the words, but that attitude is dangerous.”

In this paper Turing proposes the imitation game. This is originally a game where an interrogator tries to distinguish between a man and the woman. Here, this becomes human/machine.

Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab (1966) writes one of the first chat bots, ELIZA. This is based on a particular form of psychotherapy called “Person-Centred counselling”, which has three main characteristics:

  • Congruence
  • Unconditional positive regard
  • empathy

Easy enough to replicate in code.

Weizenbaum then writes Parry (which is paranoid). Eliza v Parry, eventually Julia v Barry.

  • Cleverbot conversation.
  • Robot Goddess Jia Jia
  • OpenNSFW
  • Bad Robot Arrest Mode
  • Microsoft Tay
  • Mad Robot (2016): Sunspring