60 students and staff to prototype the future of everything

About Futures


  1. Mental Health & Wellbeing
  2. Equality & Diversity
    • BAME students 21% less likely to graduate from UAL with a first or 2:1
    • Gender equality
  3. Meaningful work
    • 1/3 of jobs will be automated by 2030
  4. Cost of education
  5. Sense of belonging
    • 41% increase in international migration between 2000 and 2015
  6. The planet

How the Futures


  • Organised thematically, rather than course, discipline etc
  • cooperation rather than competition
  • Collaboration across students, staff, industry
  • Optimistic criticality


Two pilots: Feminist Internet, The Renaissance of Utopias (Both 6 weeks)

Outcomes are speculative products set in 2030, theres a summit at the end. Wednesdays afternoons.

Post Tech

Andreas Culmenares of IAM

Like a research education marketing agency kind of thing? Nah its TED (They’ve even got the 3d sign on stage)

Subversion of Paradoxes

  • Beyond algortihms
  • Beyond disciplines
  • Beyond clicks (advertising, privacy etc)
  • Beyond desires (post-capitalism)
  • Beyond dreams (planet, power, reality)

IAM Weekend basically a TED thing in Barcelona. Also do meetups and stuff. Also do publishing. Also client work.

Why ware we teaching humans to code and machines how to learn

Poetic Computation drawing conclusions from the fact that computers “are just 0s and 1s” - eh