• Images can either be at the end or throughout the text
  • Appendices are interviews, reports etc

6000 - 8000 words (5400 - 8800)

  • three sections @ 2000 words = 6000
  • two sections @ 3000 words = 6000
  • introduction 500 + conclusion 500 = 7000

Use subtitles for chapters Images need correct captions

If you paraphrase do (Smith, 2000) If you ‘quote’ (Smith 2009, p56)

John Smith (2008) says this In her book, published 2001, Sontag say this

Bilbliography is listed by kinds of reference Can have things that you’re not directly quoting from

4000 words november 13

Notes on Structuring Essays

  • define terms
  • set our structure
  • discuss what you haven’t done in the conclusion, further questions etc