The digital revolution
Creative practice responds in different ways to revolutions industrial revolution changed modes of manufacture to mass production (pin example lecture 1) people become seperated from each other and the final product arts and crafts refer back to medieval forms of production revolutions affect “how we make”
sometimes digital doesnt always speed things up, frees us not always
“Program or be programmed” - Douglass Rushkoff#
if you dont code you’re always limited by the program you’re working with if we dont understand the biases of the tools we work with we risk being enslaved by them 10 biases of digital media
what does close distance education do that online education doesn’t dropdown menus only have pre determined choices loss of privacy
friendliness “the cloud” friendly metaphor common property refers back to nature actually hige dark cold serverfarms
binary beginnings
SETI 1974 sent radio signal to star cluster m13
with the invention of printing, a society of readers developed freedom of the press belongs to the ones who own one
networked photography
artificial intelligence robotics sensors gather information
the uncanny valley people like robots human but not too human
Adrian Holmes: Modernism has not Failed#
galliard homes capital towers promotional video marks and spencers cafe in stratford modernism all around you (furniture, lighting, architecture)
robin day 1962 chair
technological change form follows function rejection of tradition radical politics realism vs abstraction autonumous art google ngra,
Fairy S (2009) obama poster
modernism has not gone away
the post modern turn
vanna venturi house (robert venturi) strange parody of a house form doesn’t follow function in such a literal way playfulness, irony, idea of complexity, return of ornamentation collapse of grand narratives (communism and stuff)
modernism what we still need optimism boldness radicalism the public / demoracy / socialism solidarity the universal the human
shock of the new (hughes 2005
william morris i do not want art for a few
kenneth grange concrete litter bin
1963 camberwell extension architects drawings modernism is for everyone in the world
modernism not failed but highjacked appalin conditions for industrial working class vs early modernist housing estates
Firealarm at uni this morning
— Max Kohler (@awesomephant) December 8, 2015