Art into Life and the Dominance of Modernism
the evolution of culture marches with the elimination of ornament
industrial revolution changes the creative landscape artists and designers respond to social developments in different ways futurism/dada
Russian Revolution, Art into Life how does art connect to objects of everyday life, as opposed to high culture
alexander rochenko
russian constructivism aims to bring art into everyday life vision of revolutionaty society
state advertising new economic programme built the graphic language of modern advertising people are working across range of media
el lissitzkiy and hans arp die kunst ismen
woman and the press freedom of the press belongs to those who own one
suprematist story of two squares in six constructions childrens book as political metaphor Stalin swept away utopian modernism instead introduced socialist realism every artist had to join the union of soviet artists art had to idealize the revolution 1934 guidielines for art
- proletarian: relevant to workers
- typical: everyday life of the people
- realistic: representation
- partisan: supportive of the state
prevailing sense of forced optimism, present and future has to be idealized tragedy can only be shown if its in a different place and time
roses for stalin
Situationists in the 60s propaganda relies on vehicels of mass communication soiety of spectacle describes our passivity in consumerism
youre walking around in a dress that has socialist imagery printed on it
your body is a battleground reproductive rights issue
piet zwart sees intrinsic beauty in everyday objects
modernism/international modernism and vision of progress
Abram Games
- “Your talk may kill your comrades”
- Uses idea of modernist abstractions to adress important social issues
- london undergroud posters
- speed underground
- mcnight kauffer
- Paul Renner futura - elimination of capitals
- london transport at london’s service
- man ray poster
- new tube map
villa sovoy, le corbusier the house is a machine for living it international style, every city looks the same was celebrated
high point during modernism in 50s and 60s
the grid becomes a grid of thinking rather than a visual tool
cities are designed on grids
picture language 1936 starting point of iconography isotope otto neurath